Vijay Television popularly known as Star Vijay, which is part of the Star Network is the top most watched channel worldwide being broadcasted under the Entertainment category in the Tamil language. It shows innovative programs and shows that are a variety of family dramas, reality shows, comedies, crime and movies in general, all from India. The shows are broadcasted from Vijay House in Chennai.
This channel is credited with comedy shows that are innovative some of them include; Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru, Lollu Sadha and Adhu Idhu Yedhu. Reality shows like Bigg Boss, Yes or No, Jodi No. 1, Mrs. Chinnathirai and much more.
Star Vijay is recognized as the number one channel that airs reality shows. Apart from the shows, it broadcasts both popular and important events which include; Vijay Television Awards and Vijay Awards. Serials like Raja Rani, Mouna Raagam, Thamizh Kadavul Murugan, Saravanan Meenatchi, and Pagal Nilavu are also aired.
Its breakthrough dates back to the 29th of May 2016, when Star Vijay HD was launched. It started off by being available in Canada for viewers who are not in India.
However, the good news is that, as of today, Star Vijay Live can be watched on YuppTV with no hassle whatsoever. YuppTV provides content from South Asia such as live TV and movies. It is accessible worldwide through smartphones, game consoles, TVs and tablets. Hence, viewers from the UK, Australia, Middle East, Malaysia, and Singapore can get entertained by the various shows being aired on the channel.
The satisfaction that comes from watching Star Vijay Live is unbeatable. Being among the most watched channels, its shows appeal to a wide range of viewers from all age groups, races, and demography. Its family and music shows are known for being a perfect way of bringing family members together. Most of its shows are setting the trend for others in the Tamil Television Industry.